STF Diaries

Good News!  Our STS Diaries are here so we can mark down the appointments that we don’t have!!  Actually, I am surprisingly busy even with the reduced activities of our group as well as most others.

Normally, we would distribute the diaries at our Brunch Without the Crunch, but of course that is not possible this year.  So they will be available for pick up on a first come first serve basis in the mail boxes at my house (36 Logan Crescent EAST), as well as Juanita Brown’s (48 Winfield Place) and Gwen Keith’s (42 Willow Crescent).
Stop by and pick them up at your earliest convenience. Call ahead, text, or just stop by.
For those of you who can not pick one up or make arrangements to have one picked up, I will deliver it to you.  ( No Les, I’m not travelling to Vancouver Island!)  In town deliveries only. Call me at 306-783-3029 and leave a message if there is no answer.
Doug Ingham